Saturday, April 18, 2009


Imagine for a moment, having the ability to tap into and experience, an unfamiliar world within our own containing unseen forces. What would that world look like, feel like? It's pretty difficult to try and wrap our conscious reality around the possibility that this world does indeed exist, never mind trying to imagine what it would be like. Given the advances made in that elusive world of quantum physics, science is coming up with plenty of incontrovertible proof that our physical reality is not quite what we think it is.

Unfortunately, our perceptions of what we see around us are completely limited to our five senses. Due to this limitation we tend to discount, when we have what we perceive to be, mystical (certainly not to be taken seriously!) experiences often affecting us in the most profound ways. Having become so entrenched in our beliefs created through societal conditioning within this three dimensional reality, there's not a whole lot of room left for what appears to be a slip into some kind of sublime esoteric world. However, it's precisely this type of experience which often gives meaning to the confusion the majority of us function in, every day.

So, what does all this have to do with energy, you ask? Again, with the recent discoveries being made within the quantum physics field along with the astounding results being achieved in legitimate lab trials conducted in medical test facilities throughout North America, the proof of an extraordinary invisible medium is, 'in the pudding'. Mainstream science has had no other choice but to take a step back and admit to this unseen presence of which could possibly provide a clue to the answers of many theories which up till now, have eluded us. The possible reality of a previously undetectable energy field could potentially neatly tie together, many pieces of a complex puzzle regarding the mysteries of our universe, once and for all.

A number of studies have now been published in both scientific and medical journals describing the results of effectively harnessing this energy within controlled medical environments. One such study was conducted by cardiologist Dr. Randolph Byrd, at San Francisco General Hospital in 1988, lasting over a 10 month period consisting of 393 cardiac patients split into two groups. With the help of a number of volunteers from around the country, one group was provided with normal cardiac treatment along with being sent thoughts of healing energy (or prayer) by the volunteers while the control group received only traditional health care for their condition. At the end of the 10 months, Dr. Byrd had achieved recognition as a pioneer in providing irrefutable evidence showing the positive effects of distant healing in a clinical trial. Substantiated results in his test group showed significant improvement in virtually every area during the recovery period with the patients involved.

So, where does that leave us? As pointed out in my last post, considering the effort needed to break through this barrier of ignorance in a medical community adhered so strictly in the Church of Science, even with the growing evidence, there appears to be little room left to even consider the possibility of not only recognizing but utilizing a mysterious force that is virtually unexplainable. As you can see, this would go completely against the grain of traditional thought as well as posing a serious dilemma for those ensconsed in a purely mainstream medical arena.

Thankfully, we ARE in fact, seeing progress and with mainstream physicians such as Dr. Larry Dossey, M.D., Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D., along with many others, bravely paving the way by publishing the results from their own clinical studies of this mysterious alternative field, I say to them, BRAVO!! They are the pioneers who are opening the door and legitimizing the work of many complementary health practitioners who for years, have been stigmatized and ridiculed for practicing an artform of healing used and written about for centuries. For this reason, my general outlook encompassing any and all areas in complementary medicine is definitely positive anticipating a future in health care that will no doubt, benefit from the blending of all traditions.

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